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About Me-


I am an aspiring artist/illustrator based out of the the Bay Area. I've been blessed to have grown up around such a wide array of art and cultures. Drawing has always been a hobby of mine ever since I was a young kid. I graduated from the Academy of Art University with a degree in Illustration.


I try to keep a sketchbook with me at all times. Exploring different mediums and techniques is what keeps me motivated to do more. As you will see, my pieces are anywhere from rough sketches with ballpoint pen to mixed media pieces with acrylics, watercolors and charcoal. I love to change it up! Its a forever learning process!


I hope this website inspires others to keep creating. I am ALWAYS interested in submitting to any art related shows, projects or galleries and I am currently taking art commissions. So, please contact me with your ideas and we can work together to make it happen.


Thank you for your support and for checking out my work! I really appreciate it.









** Some of my pieces did take references to complete. I am not taking credit in any way for photos I referenced. ** 


fine art &


  by Luciano Roque

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